Welcome Family and Friends to our family Blog!!

Welcome to the Our WebSite! We hope you enjoy all the latest Pictures and News from our family. This has been a really great Year for our Family. Owen will be 5 years old in October this year, and we have a new family member, Logan Ray Crowder, he was born April 2nd 2012 ; 8.1lbs and 19 1/2 inches long. And we are also looking forward to buying out first house this year! So many great things in one year.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So Much!!

WOW, Sorry i havnt been up dating my blog, so much as been going on, where should I start!! Well, got a New Job, i've been there now for 3 months now, i just got a raise today, so iam making twice as much as i was at my other job ( with the CRAZY Doc.)! Mikes doing great at his job, he gets a end of the month sales bonus now every month, wicth is GREAT!! We are potty training Owen! We got a NEW Puppy!! And we are moving in to our New House in Augest!! WOW, so much is going on!!